Kallhall Boys

The Desk Chair

In 2002 Javed came back to Sweden with the intention to stay here for some time. He managed to get an apartment (about a hundred meters from where I lived) and, of course, went to IKEA to buy furniture. He also assembled a couple of computers from parts, one to himself and one to Andreas. Javed connected a webcam to his computer to be able to stay in touch with the people in the US.

He eventually returned to the US and left everything without much concern. I found some pictures on the computer taken with the webcam.

So here we see a familiar bedding. Also a cup of tea and XBOX controls.

The bag, I believe, is Jordnötsringar (“peanut rings”). A favorite snack of ours at the time that might be an exclusively Swedish thing:

The trustworthy company. Surely the television was on all night. This habit was already established when we became friends, since he often was abandoned.

Below Javed himself. He is sitting in a desk chair. When he left I took care of this chair and it has been with me ever since. I am sitting in it right now, typing these words.

I have tried to track the desk chair throughout the years in my photo collection and here is the result:

Another close friend, Magnus, was traveling through East Asia when Javed was home in Sweden. He had gotten rid of his apartment and most of his things prior to the long trip (8 months or so). When Magnus came back he needed somewhere to live. Javed had recently abandoned his place so we arranged a takeover with furniture and everything. The photo above is from Magnus’ birthday party in the same apartment. In the foreground, I wave a fantasy sword that Javed had bought for some reason. Notice the chair.

In 2006, I had moved to another place. Chair still there.

(Not me.) A couple of years later, at a social gathering.

Moved again.

Next chair finding was four years ahead. Had then lived in yet another place about three years. The estate agent took this photo. It was moving time again.

New house a couple of years later. 2014-2016 we had some prime gaming years by measure of laughter and fun

Finally, today. The desk chair is in very good condition still, at 16 years of age!

Update! It has survived two more years and yet another move.